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You are welcome to Caliph Abu's Blog, Porn videos and Masturbating is a sin or not, This Article is here to Enlighten you. Keep calm and go through the Article. 
The problem of pornography and masturbation has been seen by some people as a lesser sin to zina (fornication and adultery) or as a lesser evil to engage in so as not to fall into zina. But we need to remind ourselves that Allah didn't just forbid zina but He also forbade going near zina. And in the verses of the Qur'an where He permitted sexual relations with one's married partner and those whom our right hand possess, He warned us that no other means of satisfying sexual desires is permitted. Pornography and masturbation fall under other means of satisfying sexual desires, and they are all forbidden.

It is indeed very sad to note that some Muslim youths are falling into these obvious traps of shayton. They assume pornography and masturbation to be minor or insignificant sins but this is a trick shayton is playing on their minds so that they can perpetuate themselves in these sins without feeling much guilt or remorse. One is also easily deceived by the fact that such sins are being committed secretly behind closed doors so they feel safe thinking that, at least, no one is aware of their committing those evils. These days, with the level of technological advancement people can watch pornography contents even on their phones so the evil has been brought too close and are just at the top of our fingers.

But should Muslim youths be caught engaging in such sins because of the widespread evils and immoralities in our society today? What kind of sexual orientation has been given to our Muslim youths? Do they feel safe from the punishment of Allah when they engage in such base end shameful deeds?

First of all, we need to understand that these shameful acts are more than just a problem. They are calamities (museebah). Whoever falls into it has indeed fallen into a grave sin and may be under the wrath of Allah and fall out of His mercy. It is similar to the case of those who were forbidden from eating pork and drinking alcoholic wines yet they enjoy consuming both without bothering about the consequences in this world and on the Day of Accountability. Definitely Allah has cursed such neglectful people and they have been removed very far from His mercy until they repent.

Secondly, a Muslim should remember always that he is being watched always by Allah's watchmen, the Angels. Allah says about His Watch guards, "......they are honourable writers (recorders). They know everything that you do..." They record all our deeds in details such that nothing big or small is left out without it being recorded in their books. We assume that they are only writing down our deeds but on the Day of Judgement, we shall be surprised that they shall present to us audio/video records of every detail of our entire lives from the cradle to the grave. We shall be left astonished and wonderstruck at the perfection and precision of the job done by the Angels in recording our deeds, speeches and thoughts. Even our skin, limbs and senses will be made to speak up and bear witness against us on that Great Day when all secrets will be laid bare and exposed and no individual will have any power or helper. We shall all be at the mercy of Allah, The King and Master of the Day of Resurrection. A Day when everyone will stand naked in front of Allah and the sun will be brought down close to our heads such that people's brains will be boiling and they will be drenched in their sweats except the chosen slaves of Allah who shall be under His special shade.

Now, after knowing the implications and consequences, why will someone want to commit such heinous sins like pornography and masturbation when they have been given halal means of satisfying their desires in wedlock by getting married honourably and living in chastity and decency. Why would one choose the Haram over the halal when he very well knows that the permissible acts shall be rewarded handsomely while the forbidden acts will be punished severely and when he knows that Haram attracts the curse and anger of his Lord while halal attracts His pleasure and mercy.

In islam, it is forbidden for a man to look at the thigh of a fellow man just as it is forbidden for a woman to look at the thigh of a fellow woman. What this imply is that it is forbidden to watch most of the games that are played while the players and athletes expose vital parts of their body like football, basketball, handball, boxing, wrestling, swimming, tennis, etc, etc. We will be left with watching only games in which the players wear clothes that cover up their bodies well like cricket, golf, ice-hockey, etc. Can you now imagine watching people naked and shamelessly engaging in immoralities and bestialities in the open and being aware that they are being watched everywhere these pornographic films are being played? Is this not outrageous and abominable? Can you imagine decent, civilized, cultured and well-mannered people to watch such shameless display of animalistic behavior? Can you ever conceive in your minds that Muslims who have been described as the best of people ever raised from mankind to sit down to watch such unrestrained immoralities? Muslims who are the best in morals and character, who enjoin what is good and forbid what is evil, and believe in Allah and the Last Day when they shall give account of their deeds? No. Muslims should not engage in such except they wish to give their Lord open evidence against themselves and they are daring Him by saying to Him, "....what can you do to us if we commit these grave crimes?"

Some muslims will give excuses of late marriage as their reason for engaging in such shameful acts. Please, tell them that on the Day of Judgement, no excuse shall be accepted from them for they have been enjoined to get married early and to keep the company of the truthful and the righteous in order not to fall into such sins and traps of shayton. Some will say that they are only engaging in such sins temporarily till they are able to get married. Tell them that the moment that they commit these evil they seize to be believers until they stop committing the sin and they do not know when the appointed time will come for them to return to their Lord. What if Allah takes their soul while engaging in these sinful acts? They may think that it will be easy for them to abandon these evils when they decide to repent and turn back to their Lord but they may have become addicted to the evil acts and find it very difficult to leave them when they want to stop engaging in them. They may need medical counseling and psychotherapy and other professional help and rehabilitation before they can successfully leave these evil acts permanently.

A word is enough for the wise. Muslim youths are advised to keep the company of pious and truthful youths and elders because a man easily follows the ways of his friends. And they should avoid bad associations and companies online. They must learn self-restraint, self-discipline and uprightness and they must never take sins with levity for as Allah is Compassionate and Merciful, He is also very Strict and Stern in punishment. May Allah preserve our iman and save us from the evil snares, traps and machinations of shayton. May Almighty Allah save us all from ourselves and Shayton, My He guide us to the straight path and not to go Astray (Aameen)

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